Photos from Sunday, December 8th 2013 - 12/08/2013
We continued our pre-Nativity celebrations on Sunday, December 8th. A special basket arrived on our doorstep, full of St. Nicholas stockings for the children. Fr. Constantine told us the story of St. Nicholas.
Downstairs, we shared food, decorated the tree there.
Outside, we admired our newly installed Nativity icon. Decorations hung. Snow began to fall. Christmas is in the air!
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Nativity Decorating Party - 12/06/2013
On Friday, December 6th, we began our Nativity (Christmas) season, with the celebration of Vespers, and Litiya, for the Feast of St. Nicholas. (Sorry, no pictures.)
Following the service, we met downstairs for a 'Lenten' potluck. It was fabulous! I overheard someone say, "This is like a Vegetarian Smorgasbord at the Casino". Thanks to everyone for sharing your culinary skills.
Upstairs again, to decorate! One is taken back to the Christmases of their youth when they decorate a tree with children. Thank you, to all who participated!
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Since Christmas 2008, yearly, we have participated in Operation Christmas Child, an outreach of Samaritan's Purse. We've put together 'Shoeboxes' full of gifts and essentials for children, living in the 3rd world.
This year, we broke out record. Ninety-one (91!) Christmas Shoeboxes were purchased, assembled, and sent by the community of St. John the Divine.
Praying that those children who receive them learn to love our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. And, grow in His wisdom & knowledge.
Thanks to Kim K. for chairing this event, this year!

Installation of Our New Roof - 11/19/2013
After much research, discussion, and waiting, the new roof was installed at St. John the Divine on November 19, 2013. The weather, on the two preceeding days was terrible -- windy, winter-like -- but that Tuesday was a perfect day to install a roof -- sunny & mild. A crew of 18 men from Elite Roofing worked all day. Take a look!
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September Celebrations
Happy 98th birthday to St. John the Divine Orthodox Church!
Thank you to everyone who made this special event possible for us to celebrate!
Also, congratulations to the newly illumined Dorotheus & Veronica! God grant you many years!
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A Loving Farewell to Subdeacon Ray & Peggy Reimer
We greatly appreciate your service at our church these past few years. We wish you well on your new journey. You will always be in our hearts.
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Descent of the Holy Spirit Day - 06/23/2013
Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God, who hast revealed the fishermen as most wise by sending down upon them the Holy Spirit: through them Thou didst draw the world into Thy net. O Lover of Man, Glory to Thee!
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Glorious Feast of the Resurrection - 05/05/2013
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life!
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Passion Week - 04/29/2013
Behold, the Bridegroom comes in the middle of the night, and blessed is the servant whom He shall find watching.
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The Feast of the Entrance of our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem - 04/28/2013
Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!
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Holy Matrimony - 03/10/2013
May God grant you many blessed years together!
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Baptism - 02/02/2013
The Newly-Illumined Servant of God, Herman
May he grow in wisdom to love and serve the Lord.
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