For the School Year, 2021 - 2022, we are using the Orthodox Journeys curriculum (orthodoxjourneys.com). Due to the pandemic protocol, we are unable to have any gatherings, outside of regular services, in our Church Hall. We are providing the Orthodox Journeys curriculum weekly, for families to do the lessons together at home.
Lessons are made ready for pick-up, in the narthex, on Sundays. Parents can make other arrangements with the Matushka, to pick up the materials, at another time and place, if necessary.
If you would like to participate, or have any further questions, please contact the Matushka.

Our Good Friend, Presbytera Ourania shares what she has been up to since we've last seen her:
I'm happy to share a part of my journey with you over the past year.
I am a pharmacist by profession, but my joy comes from serving our Lord, so I've decided to stay home and take care of my family and serve the Lord from here. God has given me His Grace to become an Iconographer, and my Archbishop has given me his blessing.
I am creating "Prayer Sketches" in the small prayer room in my home by praying for the soul of a person ( living or reposed). I sketch Divinity alone or a person with Divinity into the Prayer sketch.
Before I begin to sketch, I ask the Lord to bless me. The process is done in prayer with a vigil lamp, incense and chant.
This is available in sketch form, or in colour, on wood or on paper in various sizes, framed. The Prayer Sketch is always blessed on the Altar table once completed.
These are unique and beautiful gifts for Christmas, Birthdays, Namedays, Weddings, Baptisms, Anniversaries, Graduations, Memorials etc.
It makes for a heartfelt gift that evokes prayer and gives hope in Christ. Thank you for supporting a Presvytera by considering the gift of a "Prayer Sketch" for a loved one.
Click "View Slideshow" below to see samples of my work.
Contact me for more information at prayersketches@gmail.com and may the Lord's mercy be upon us all!

The Importance of Sunday School
“Let the children come to me, so not to hinder them; for to such belongs the Kingdom of God. Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” Mark 10: 14-15
Christian education is a permanent challenge to the work of the Church. Not only did our Lord and Savior continuously teach the word of God during His early mission, but the Church as well from the earliest times looked upon Christian education as one of its essential ministries. As the first Christians joined the Church “they devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching and fellowship to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” Acts 2:42
The greatest gift, the most precious inheritance that we have to give to our children is our Orthodox Faith. Jesus makes it clear that He wants children to come to know Him, and the He considers it a grave offence for an adult to hinder this process or lead child astray: “whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” Matt 18:6
The Central aim of Christian education in our Church is to evoke and nurture faith in Jesus Christ according to the Orthodox phronema (vision) out of which issues a genuine Orthodox way of life. The Church nurtures a living awareness of the risen Christ in our midst, who is the true Celebrant of Sacraments and the true Teacher of His people, and makes Himself known to use by the grace of the Holy Spirit. The whole range of Orthodox educational material- books, filmstrips, visuals, Bible Studies, lives of Saints, contemporary discussion of Christian values- becomes effective to the degree that communicates the love and sprit of Christ.
The focus of our efforts to educate our beloved children in the Orthodox Christian Faith must remain in our Sunday School program. When we bring our children regularly to Sunday School, we provide them with a gift of knowledge that has lifelong value and significance.
The need of Christian education is as immediate as when the disciples first appealed to Jesus: “Teach us to pray.” Luke 11:1
Christian education is an essential and abiding ministry in the Church. As other important ministries, it is never finished. It can be as vital and meaningful as the whole body of the Church makes it through provision of adequate personal, spiritual and financial resources.
The validity of Christian education is demonstrated by the truth that a well informed Christian is a spiritually committed Christian within the greater body of the Church. The commission of Christian education comes from the Lord Himself:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you, and lo I am with you always, to the close of the age.” Matt 28: 19-20
At St. John the Divine, Sunday School begins immediately after Holy Communion. Parents: Bring your children to Sunday School. Your personal example and involvement in the religious education of your children are extremely important. The priest and teachers cannot do the job alone. Here is how you can help develop the spiritual life and moral upbringing of your children.
Register your child to our Sunday Church School Program.
Bring them to Church on time.
Stay and worship at the Divine Liturgy in the Church.
Be positive about Church.
Discuss with them what they learned each Sunday.
Teach them to bring their weekly stewardship offering.
Give your personal example of Christian living.
Emphasize regular repentance and Holy Communion.
Put Church before every other activity on Sunday.
Avoid criticism of others.
Let your love for Our Lord Jesus Christ radiate.
From the Church Bulletin: St. Athanasios Greek Orthodox Church, Paramus, New Jersey.

LINK to daily scripture readings for the Orthodox Church in America (OCA):