During the COVID lockdowns, we did research on how to set up a Orthodox Church library (https://www.stjohnmemphis.org/library) and had a donation of Orthodox titles. We went about catagorizing and organizing a Church Library for St. John the Divine, located in our conference room. Currently, we have approximately 300 titles.
The library is open to members of the St. John the Divine community during the hours that the church building is open. Before removing any books from the library, one must go through an orientation with the librarian. One must register to use the library.
Any questions regarding the library can be directed to the current librarian at 519-995-9235 or patkatsilas@gmail.com
We are excited about this new addition to St. John the Divine!

Library Cataloge available here https://stjohnwindsor.org/files/2022-Library/2022-05-MAY-SJD-Library-Inventory-Website.pdf
This link can be used on-line or downloaded to your computer. Once downloaded, one can search the catalogue or print it.