On a beautiful afternoon in early November (01NOV2015), members of the St. John the Divine community participated 40 Days for Life's Jericho Walk. The walk around Met. Hospital (the site where abortions are performed in Windsor) marked the end of the 40 Day event, where Right to Life members who support life-giving alternatives to abortion took turns praying for 40 days, 12 hours a day, hoping that women seeking abortions would come to see alternatives to ending their unborn babies lives.
The Orthodox Church is Pro-Life. Consider joining us at the next opportunity to show your support of life over death.

His Holiness IRINEJ, Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci, and Serbian Patriarch, made a pastoral visit to our Sister Church, Gracanica, on Tuesday, June 16, 2015. Some of our parishioners made a pilgrimage there to meet the Patriarch.

Part of our mission at St. John the Divine is to help other charitable organizations. One of them this year was Kafka, a group home for special needs adults in Greece. This group home is a special project of our own Martha. The money was used to buy toiletries, medicines and a special outing. Take a look and see the fun they had.

In the May, 2015 edition of BIZ Magazine, Lydia Martin, historian at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church (R.O.C.O.R.) shared some of the history of the Russian community in Ford City. You may read it here: http://stjohnwindsor.org/files/SJD-in-the-COMMUNITY/2015-BIZ-article-Russians-in-Ford-City.pdf