An Event to Increase Security in the Neighborhood - 11/27/17

If you have been past St. John the Divine recently, you will notice a new parkette, directly across the street from St. John.   Use of the parcel of land was donated by the local businessman who owns the property.  It is outlined by a short brick wall.  Inside the parkette are memorial bricks, commemorating loved ones who have passed, people & organizations from the area, and even our own community, "St. John the Divine -- Celebrating 100 Years".

Unfortunately, there was an act of vandalism in the parkette this fall -- someone set afire a grocery cart which melted a bench, and defaced a whole group of memorial bricks.

What to do?  It was felt that it was time to set up a security camera to watch the area of Richmond Street & Drouillard Road.

How to do it?  The Ford City Residents Association's Safety & Security Committee sponsored a Pour & Paint Party at Atalier Virginianne, where attendees paint their own rendition of a painting, prompted by a local artist.   Proceeds from this event are to pay for the security camera, its set-up, and maintenance.

The community of St. John the Divine came out in support of this effort with about 11 people attending, either from our community directly, or because of generous donations by members of St. John.   Attached is a picture of our finished masterpieces.   A great time was had by all!

A Fun Evening!